Of basic sense are also the appropriate socio-cultural processes. In leading countries, a person gradually gains more individual freedom by using innovative communication systems and creates the own virtual world which goes beyond the scopes of a national state organism. At the same time, an individual becomes a leading producer of intellectual information, due to which he/she has the reasons to pretend to a role in the world space which is independent of the state and a social group. On the other hand, this gives rise to a certain conflict between flexible interests of an autonomous person and social values consolidated within the framework of a nation.
What are the social sciences subjects
It is possible that namely this factor will stand a main discrepancy between the global subject I and the traditional forms of social organization already in a new cycle of the world-wide historical importance development.In fact, one observes a discrepancy between an individual and the power which was successfully described by ideologists of anarchism from P. Kropotkin and M. Bakunin to contemporary anarchic groups. The last make protests against, in their thought, antihuman ideas of globalization during the work of various international forums.
Thus, the following question arose: which social group will defend persons interests in the world community? Not by chance, the problems of defense of mans rights are actualized. As usual, these problems are ambiguously perceived by various regimes of power and have contrary interpretation in the culturalhistorical legacy of world civilizations. It is one of the most sharp questions of
the post-modern system of international relations.
However even in the time of the seemingly continuous globalization, we are faced with the real unevenness of development of separate sociums which entered this process, being in a certain stage of development intrinsic to namely them. Therefore, such sociums are globalized in different ways,
and the appropriate results can be observed in the majority of social phenomena. Urbanization and formation of a post-industrial economy are associated in leading countries of the Western civilization with the development of information technologies and the service sphere and with a decline of the
traditional agrarian sector which difficultly adapts to consequences of the so-called green revolution whose content is the introduction of results of genetic engineering to agricultural production. On the periphery which was only partially touched by these tendencies, on the contrary, a certain deindustrialization of the economy takes place, which restrains the development of such countries.
In essence, such a phenomenon is a consequence of the reaction of social subjects differentiated at different stages of development. In this case, the question remains open whether a new subject should obligatorily go the way of development of its predecessors. It is possible that some variants of the sociohistorical development will appear which will support or disprove this thesis.
The process of formation of a single subject runs in two hypostases: common-generic, when the humanity will realize oneself as a form of the living and individual-generic in the process of individualization of the humanity.
So, it is necessary to elucidate a new approach to the typology of socio-historical subjects on the contemporary stage of global development and to show the possibilities of an appropriate theoretical approach for comparative analysis of the newest development of political subjects in Ukraine and the Russian Federation.
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