Thursday, May 16, 2013


Every time after the next (sudden to a certain extent) revolutionary period of renewal of the society, the normative period of involution comes. It is associated in the semantic historical meaning with the mastering of constituents of the social (personal, public, civilizational) system of new general-systemic qualities. By its content, this period reminds that of socialization of generations.
So, the morally-ethic constituent of development becomes priority in this case. On this stage, the society attempts to support the own traditional foundations, but a person prepares, on the contrary, to be in opposition to the society which reinforces the role of mythologemas.

The increasingly progressing collectivistic moral advances socio-meaningful aims and interests on the priority place. The moral imperative “at first, think about the Homeland and then about oneself” which limits the individual’s freedom pushes the people to the sacrifice by turning the life into the continuous service to ideals. By a reliable psychological base becomes the emotional-sensitive man’s behaviour oriented to the external control prevailing over internal self-control. The political
system is characterized by the order which is functioning at the expense of the limitation of civil freedoms and is supported through autocratic methods or the formally representative democratic procedures. The economy develops at the expense extensive methods with a corresponding attitude to natural and human resources.

The crisis period of co-evolution is “the turning point” from the normative period of involution to the normative period of evolution. By its essence, co-evolution is the creation of collectivized individuals, which yields the reformed system of norms, social institutions, and relations which supplement, as a mirror, the relevant characteristics of the precrisis steady period. This transient
period forms the preconditions for the harmonious coexistence of a defining amount of “self-supporting individuals” in the future evolutionary period.
Under pressure of the increasingly growing innovative wave, they reinforce the synthesis of order and chaos and thus a real threat of “stable nonequilibrium”. By an indicator of the co-evolutionary period becomes an explosion of individual activity. Gradually, the price of an innovation becomes defining.

Order begins to prevail over chaos. The political system acquires the signs of pluralisticity, when the subject “We” is finally depreciated and the subject “I” confidently strengthens itself. The economic order is transformed to the side of expansion of the field of the freedom of economic activity.
The normative period of evolution second after involution is characterized by the development of general-systemic processes which is accompanied by the development of social processes, complication of a social structure, and increase in the innovative activity. The main characteristic of the period of evolution is the stability of changes. Society acquires new social features and attributes, the emancipation of individuals occurs, and the cognitive component of a psychological person’s structure becomes stronger, which gives the signs of rationality to the society. In the political sphere, the principle of freedom of a choice and the principle of consensus in a decision-making become dominant. becomes The thesis “the state is strong due to strong citizens” becomes a widespread slogan. Economic growth takes place at the expense of intensive economic methods and the development of innovative processes and technologies which gradually modernize the society. On the whole, the historical development come to a higher level.

The normative periods of development, involution and evolution, are characterized by the integrity and stability of the tendencies of simplification (for involution) or complication (for evolution) of the social structure. In this case, there appears no disparity between separate dimensions of structures,
groups, communities, and the society, as well as between the normative structure, ideal structure, interactive structure, and structure of interests. In the personal aspect, this means that the people’s obligations related to their positions agree with their persuasions and correspond to their interests.

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