For the political system of this stage, typical is an order which is functioning at the extent of the limitation of civil freedoms and is supported by autocratic methods or through the formal-representative democratic procedures. The economy develops at the extent of extensive methods of management and the appropriate attitude to natural and human resources.
Public consciousness is dominated by the steady stereotypes levelling the role of a remarkable historical person who only realizes the aspirations of public masses are the single true creator of the history. The banner-bearer of ideals of the period is the ordinary collective subject We. But, as compared with We of the co-evolutionary period, this subject suits more favourably to traditional
collective values and norms of behaviour. At the same time, a general degree of freedom depends in the involutionary period of a cycle on the peculiarities of socio-cultural differentiation and on the general temporal characteristics of the historical development. During the precrisis stage of a cycle, one may observe a certain lowering of the involutionary order caused by exhaustion of the previous tendencies of development and growth of the need of new generations in a rise of the degree of individual freedom which is a necessary condition for social creation. This is more intrinsic already to the following period of the transition from the involutionary system of social coordinates to the very evolutionary development.
Coevolution is the phase transition from the normative period of involution to the normative period of evolution. During a transformation of the co-evolutionary type, the role of a subject of the socium, i.e. of the subject We, becomes stronger.
The general characteristic of the period of universal epochal cycle depends on both the crisis and post-crisis states of the society. At the beginning of the transient period, the attribute of the new (evolutionary) order manifests its force, which is indicated by a revival of individual activity.
However, in the course of time, a social system falls again into the inertial gravitation field of attributes of the old (involutionary) order by depending on the rate and depth of transformations and therefore passes to the symbolic scope of the final exhaustion of its historical resources and eventually to the final orientation to the conditions of recreation of the new social order.
By its essence, co-evolution is a creation of exceptionally socialized (collectivized) individuals, which leads to reforms of the system of normatives, social institutions, and social relations which, speaking conditionally, are mirroropposed to the appropriate social characteristics of the precrisis steady period, i.e. involution.
The principles of coexistence of a defining amount of self-supporting individuals in the future evolutionary period, which reinforce the threats for stable nonequilibrium under pressure of the innovative wave, are formed in depths of the transient co-evolutionary period. In this historical period, the political system acquires the signs of pluralism, when the category of the subject We is already finally depreciated and the category of the socio-historical subject I increases surely the social weight, which is a necessary precondition for the start of the evolutionary period of the universal epochal cycle.
The characteristic features of the second (the first is the involution) normative period (evolution) of the cycle are the development of social processes in space, complication of the social structure (for example, in countries which outlived the period of the Great Depression of 19291934 and are now in the state of evolution, the amount of social roles exceeded 70 thousand, whereas it is approximately 3040 thousand for both the home space and the entire postsoviet one), and innovative activity of citizens.
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