Friday, May 17, 2013
Evolutionary period of developing countries
France is in the final phase of the evolutionary period of development whose sources belong to the time of the Great Depression. In this case, the student disturbances in 1968 became distinctive political frosts which stimulated left-centrist political directives. In the geopolitical sense, they arose, we may say, in the controversy to tendencies of the Renaissance of rightcentrist political moods in the countries of social commonwealth in the period of the so-called political thaw happened in the USSR after the death of I. Stalin.The socio-historical subject I remains to be leading now for France.
The principal characteristic of evolution
The principal characteristic of evolution is the stability of changes. The society acquires intensively new social features and attributes which lead its historical development to a qualitatively higher level. Being in the given epochal period, the society is open for its signs unlike the involutionary society.
The emancipation of individuals occurs, and the cognitive component of the psychological persons structure becomes stronger, which gives rational signs to the society.
The emancipation of individuals occurs, and the cognitive component of the psychological persons structure becomes stronger, which gives rational signs to the society.
Coevolution is the phase transition
For the political system of this stage, typical is an order which is functioning at the extent of the limitation of civil freedoms and is supported by autocratic methods or through the formal-representative democratic procedures. The economy develops at the extent of extensive methods of management and the appropriate attitude to natural and human resources.
New horizons of social development
Society as a subject of the history and the civilization passes a big vital cycle during its development. Social (public or individual) development can be shownthrough the cyclic dynamics of certain changes: from order to chaos, from the steady to the transient, and vice versa.
Socially-historical development can be explored as a successive development of universal epochal cycles in the spatio-temporal continuum which are the relevant units of analysis and prognosis of the socio-historical reality.
Socially-historical development can be explored as a successive development of universal epochal cycles in the spatio-temporal continuum which are the relevant units of analysis and prognosis of the socio-historical reality.
Parameters of theoretical comprehension
As typology, we understand the differentiation of the systems of objects under study and their grouping according to a certain model (type) with the purpose of comparative analysis of signs, ties, and functions of some subjects. The informational-energy interaction between the socium and an individual, i.e. between We and I, occurs permanently. Respectively, the communication ties between societal psychics which characterizes the sociums parameters as an integrity and the individual
psychics of a certain person are being constructed as well.
psychics of a certain person are being constructed as well.
What are the social sciences subjects
Of basic sense are also the appropriate socio-cultural processes. In leading countries, a person gradually gains more individual freedom by using innovative communication systems and creates the own virtual world which goes beyond the scopes of a national state organism. At the same time, an individual becomes a leading producer of intellectual information, due to which he/she has the reasons to pretend to a role in the world space which is independent of the state and a social group. On the other hand, this gives rise to a certain conflict between flexible interests of an autonomous person and social values consolidated within the framework of a nation.
Social subject: the problem of typology and development
On the boundary of the third millennium from the Christmas, the determination of character, functions, specificity of development of a sociohistorical subject remains the major problem of humanitarian scientifictheoretical analysis. This key question is methodologically central in any research of social reality.
The classics of sociological thought paid attention to various aspects of studying a subject. A founder of the French sociological school E. Durkheim proposed to consider a society as an outside- and superindividual reality which has imperative force as for individuals and does not depend on them. M. Weber interpreted subjectivity through the notion of ideal type and rationalization.
The classics of sociological thought paid attention to various aspects of studying a subject. A founder of the French sociological school E. Durkheim proposed to consider a society as an outside- and superindividual reality which has imperative force as for individuals and does not depend on them. M. Weber interpreted subjectivity through the notion of ideal type and rationalization.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Sociology research
Sociology research
There exist different types of prognoses. Social prognostication is carried out with the purpose to develop recommendations as for the optimum influence on a forecasted phenomenon or a process with the purpose of their realization or prevention. Depending on the period, on which the prognostication is rated, one distinguishes current, short-term, middle-term, and long-term prognoses.Methodology of socio-historical prognostication
A man exists in the system of the past, present, and future which characterize the irreversibility
of the course of time. The comprehension of these three states of time came to the humanity only after the invention of written language. In fact, the past becomes only then turned back, when it is not only remembered but is written. The differentiation of the past, present, and future is shown most
clearly by the Judaic-Christian tradition.
of the course of time. The comprehension of these three states of time came to the humanity only after the invention of written language. In fact, the past becomes only then turned back, when it is not only remembered but is written. The differentiation of the past, present, and future is shown most
clearly by the Judaic-Christian tradition.
Systemic socio-historical processes
The presence of the above-mentioned interrelation between societal indices allows one to reconstruct all indices if one of them is known. For example, by determining the quantitative characteristics for the index intentionality/executivity, one can reconstruct others. However, it should be noted that the
social cycles of three basic subjects types oppose pairwise to one another: the individual social cycle opposes to the public social cycle, and the last, in turn, does to the civilizational one.
social cycles of three basic subjects types oppose pairwise to one another: the individual social cycle opposes to the public social cycle, and the last, in turn, does to the civilizational one.
Processes of socialization and social control
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refusal from legitimization, and the discrepancy between the normative and ideal dimensions.
Every time after the next (sudden to a certain extent) revolutionary period of renewal of the society, the normative period of involution comes. It is associated in the semantic historical meaning with the mastering of constituents of the social (personal, public, civilizational) system of new general-systemic qualities. By its content, this period reminds that of socialization of generations.
So, the morally-ethic constituent of development becomes priority in this case. On this stage, the society attempts to support the own traditional foundations, but a person prepares, on the contrary, to be in opposition to the society which reinforces the role of mythologemas.
So, the morally-ethic constituent of development becomes priority in this case. On this stage, the society attempts to support the own traditional foundations, but a person prepares, on the contrary, to be in opposition to the society which reinforces the role of mythologemas.
Cyclic concept of the history
Gradually, the theories of cyclic and periodic reiterations of the historical process arose. The Old Indian philosophical thought distinguished three different concepts of changes: the theory of progress, theory of regress, and theory of big cycles.
All the world history, according to the concept of thinkers of ancient Persia, has one big cycle which is composed from many fluctuations. The Chinese philosopher Confucius proposed the theory of periodicity and recurrence of small social cycles in three, nine, eighteen, twenty seven, and thirty
All the world history, according to the concept of thinkers of ancient Persia, has one big cycle which is composed from many fluctuations. The Chinese philosopher Confucius proposed the theory of periodicity and recurrence of small social cycles in three, nine, eighteen, twenty seven, and thirty
The emanation of societal psychics
Social science
The emanation of societal psychics is the notion of archetype which was introduced in the scientific turnover by C.-G. Yung. The archetype can be considered as a superpersonal factor of psychosocial evolution. The analysis of the archetype is a method of study of mentality, protohistory, and future.The archetype is a form of the unconscious which is repeated many times in history. Since ontogenesis repeats phylogenesis, a higher organization includes immanently the whole previous hierarchy of archetypes of the former stages of social development.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Definition of global business
The need in the idea of integrity of a society, being under conditions of transformation, demands the socio-cultural approach, i.e., the comprehension
of the society on the basis of the unity of culture and the social. One of the methods of such an interpretation is the definition of the notion of a societal process.
Thus, a societal process is the field of socio-cultural interactions on the scale of a society (including societal-functional structures) which has a certain
vector and is stably reproduced in a certain temporal interval.
of the society on the basis of the unity of culture and the social. One of the methods of such an interpretation is the definition of the notion of a societal process.
Thus, a societal process is the field of socio-cultural interactions on the scale of a society (including societal-functional structures) which has a certain
vector and is stably reproduced in a certain temporal interval.
Social emotional development
Our periodization (being cyclic by its nature) of the socio-historical development is constructed on the basis of the biunited socio-psychological process of development of a person and the society. In this case, it is understandable that a social essence reveals itself both on the public level and the personal one. The properties of these subjects are transformed in the process of transition from the individual state to the collective one. A group thinks, feels, and acts otherwise than its individual members.
Social development in adolescence
At present, under conditions of the development of the processes of economic, political, and cultural globalization, the discussion as for the search
for universal characteristics of human behaviour, i.e. for that what unites rather than disconnects the peoples in the world, is actualized with new power. In this case, the quintessence of achievements of sociology and psychology will give a possibility to approach to the solution of this task.
for universal characteristics of human behaviour, i.e. for that what unites rather than disconnects the peoples in the world, is actualized with new power. In this case, the quintessence of achievements of sociology and psychology will give a possibility to approach to the solution of this task.
social development definition
The social essence is established in social institutions as forms of fixing the means of realization of a specialized activity which provides a stable functioning of public relations. Thus, the society is interested in the assistance
to the stability of social institutions which is ensured by the constitution, laws, and other normative-legal acts. Whenever social functions are not realized through formal rules, one says about an informal institution. Social institutions
are classified on the basis of functions they execute. We bear in mind economic, political, educational, cultural, and religious institutions, including social institutions in the narrow sense of this word.
Introduction to the social theory of probability
Social development
Problem of the social and social development. As known, the term social comes from the Latin word societas society. The inclination to cognize and to comprehend a social essence accompanies the humanity during the whole history. This categorial universal pierces literally through the terminological hierarchy constructed by the socio-philosophical cognition of the objective reality.The social and post-modern
The founder of sociology A. Comte determined the future society as its object which will cover and join the whole humanity. Such an aim at modernistic globalization was leading in the XXth century in the period of competition of the socialistic and liberal social paradigms. At that time, modernism leaned on the formational vision of the joint world history whose development was characterized by gradual progress. On the boundary of the XXIth century, it is understandable that a developed consumer society is the monopolistic product of only the western civilization.
The social and Modern
The gradual negation of traditional ideas of the social as such that is given from the God and is managed therefore by the Supreme Intellect took place in the XVIIXVIIIth centuries in the European epoch of Enlightenment. Aristotle considered the social Space as a closed system. After the discovery made by J. Bruno, the concept of the infinite Universe became gradually consolidated.
Since that time, a man considers the environment as a subject of scientific and experimental cognition. Starting from the XVIIIth century, time becomes linear and irreversible. Instead of cyclic historical ideas, the ideas of infinite
historical progress are established.
Since that time, a man considers the environment as a subject of scientific and experimental cognition. Starting from the XVIIIth century, time becomes linear and irreversible. Instead of cyclic historical ideas, the ideas of infinite
historical progress are established.
Globalization and religious reformation
The religious reformation in the Western Europe became a true revolution in the idea of social. First of all, the postulate about a possibility of collective rescue for believers was denied. There appeared the phenomenon of a free individual which got, first of all, the own body in his private ownership. The capitalist relations destroy a community as the main matrix of the traditional
society. There arises the market of purchase-sale of the man power. With the purpose to escape the war of all against all, the free individuals form a civil society.
society. There arises the market of purchase-sale of the man power. With the purpose to escape the war of all against all, the free individuals form a civil society.
Social impact of globalization
The tie between the social and the sacral is extraordinarily important by revealing the hierarchic feature of the social world20. The social carries out
vitally important sacral functions. First, this is concerned with the problems of connection with the world of Absolute, spirituality, operation of the
mechanisms of psychological compensation; secondly, the social and the sacral assist the integration of members of a certain socium around a sanctioned world outlook and moral-ethic norms; thirdly, the sacralization of the social in the traditional society legitimated the mechanisms of social control and formed the stereotypes of public behaviour; fourthly, the sacralized social promotes the solution of existentialistic problems through the production of new senses of the public activity on certain historical stages; finally, fifthly, the traditional legitimation of power, as was proved by the classic of sociology M. Weber, is realized through its sacralization.
vitally important sacral functions. First, this is concerned with the problems of connection with the world of Absolute, spirituality, operation of the
mechanisms of psychological compensation; secondly, the social and the sacral assist the integration of members of a certain socium around a sanctioned world outlook and moral-ethic norms; thirdly, the sacralization of the social in the traditional society legitimated the mechanisms of social control and formed the stereotypes of public behaviour; fourthly, the sacralized social promotes the solution of existentialistic problems through the production of new senses of the public activity on certain historical stages; finally, fifthly, the traditional legitimation of power, as was proved by the classic of sociology M. Weber, is realized through its sacralization.
Social globalization and traditional
The sense-forming of the social took place simultaneously with the development of anthroposociogenesis. The development of norms, stereotypes, communications, and status signs occurred in parallel with the formation of a man as a subject of object-practical activity.
Globalization quotes - historical motion of the semantics of the notion of social
The historical experience evidences that the development of humanitarian sciences is largely associated with the permanent search for consensus as for the fundamental categories whose understanding and interpretation define the determination of the subject field, tasks, and methods of researches.
Friday, May 10, 2013
European period of the spiritual Reformation
In view of the above-presented, we consider, in essence, the need to rehabilitate historism. In fact, the position of criticism of the present from the position of the sacral future allowed the first Christians to challenge the Roman globalism.
A man of the European period of the spiritual Reformation introduced the postulate of valuable inadequacy of the past, present, and future into social philosophy. So the revival of ideas of humanistic historism will mean the ability of the global socium to carry on the responsibility for the further tragic character of reality.
A man of the European period of the spiritual Reformation introduced the postulate of valuable inadequacy of the past, present, and future into social philosophy. So the revival of ideas of humanistic historism will mean the ability of the global socium to carry on the responsibility for the further tragic character of reality.
Further differentiation of scientific disciplines
During 1990s, the objective crisis of the dogmatically orthodox marxist paradigm of a socially historical methodology, which was intrinsic for a long time to the methodological arsenal of the soviet historico-social science, stimulated a lively discussion around the problems of formation of new methodological approaches. A peculiarity of this discourse consists in that it develops in light of new theoretical elaborations inherent in the spirit of the period of post-modern. At the same time, the appearance of the epoch after contemporaneity stimulates, in turn, the crisis phenomena in humanitarian sciences which now develop under influence of the growing spirit of scepticism.
Scientific knowledge base
The evolutionary stage of the steady development of scientific knowledge is related to a certain controversy with involution, namely, the negation of the former fundamentality and the development of applied science called by needs of social life. Under these conditions, science is differentiated, its development is intensified, the narrow scientific specialization and experimental method acquire the vital stimuli, and the interdisciplinary scientific practice and researches are actualized.
Technical civilization becomes
From this time, the technical civilization becomes the master of culture and subordinates science. Generally, one can say that, whatever a scientist made in the XXth century, he developed a next variant of arms. First of all, this concerns the following discoveries and inventions. In physics: quantum mechanics (1925),
wave mechanics (1926), Geiger counter (1928), discovery of neutron (1932), artificial radio-activity (1934), fission of nuclei (1938). In biology: discovery of vitamins (1911), establishment of mans genetics (1912), discovery of the map of a chromosome (1919), formation of the doctrine about human heredity (1921), theory of gene (1928), etc.
wave mechanics (1926), Geiger counter (1928), discovery of neutron (1932), artificial radio-activity (1934), fission of nuclei (1938). In biology: discovery of vitamins (1911), establishment of mans genetics (1912), discovery of the map of a chromosome (1919), formation of the doctrine about human heredity (1921), theory of gene (1928), etc.
Interdisciplinary research: problem of modelling

Such a successive agnosticism forces us to appeal to epistemology by taking into account its close connection with the history of science.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Theory and research on globalization appears to have reached a mature phase in a relatively short period of time. Most attempts to survey the field, while differing radically on their interpretations of the literature, agree that globalization represents a serious challenge to the statecentrist assumptions of most previous social science. Nevertheless, the «natural» quality of societies bounded by their nationstates, the difficulty of generating and working with data that cross national boundaries and the lack of specificity in most theories of the global, all conspire to undermine the critique of statecentrism. Thus, before the idea of globalization has become firmly established, the sceptics are announcing the limits and, in some extreme cases, the myth of globalization. Globalization, in the words of some populists, is nothing but globaloney!
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